Patient Information

This information is intended to provide some answer to questions that from our experience often troublesome the patients and their families.

For letters PO Box 9 Tirat Carmel 30200
Operator: 04-8559222
Emergency room: 04-8559361
Adult clinic: 04-8559256
Children clinic: 04-8559376
Youth Day care clinic: 04-8559372

Hospitalization admission 

Admission to our institute is done in one of three ways: 

  1. Consensual admission - the patient arrives independently, alone or with the assistance of someone close to him, or after being referred by another medical entity.
  2. Forced admission (through a civil procedure) - the patient arrives due to an order for his hospitalization issued by the district court's psychiatrist. An appeal can be filed to the District Psychiatric Committee
  3. Forced admission (through a criminal procedure) - the patient arrives due to a court order.

During hospitalization there will be no difference in the treatment provided to patients who were admitted in different ways, except for the differences specified hereunder (as specified by law).
The application process

  1. An applicant arriving at the emergency room is examined by a physician who evaluates his medical condition and decides that he must be hospitalized. The examinee is entitled to be examined accompanied by a companion, provided that the companion does not interfere with the medical procedure, as specified in the Patient Rights Act.
  2. Once it was decided to hospitalize the patient, the admission process begins, in which the staff interviews the patient and his/her companion and conducts the preliminary examinations.
  3. Consent to hospitalization – in the event that it was decided that hospitalization is needed, and the patient has expressed his consent to be hospitalized- he must sign a consent form.
  4. In case the patient refuses to be hospitalized, the doctor will consider his medical state and will accordingly decide whether to release him or apply to the district psychiatrist for a hospitalization order.
  5. Once a decision was made to release the patient from the ER, the patient will be instructed regarding further treatment in the community and provided by the ER with release letter.

Patient rights and obligations
Every patient receives upon his admission a form that specifies his rights and obligations, in addition, this information is present at all wards, posted on the wall in a prominent location. One of the staff members shall explain the essentials to the patient and be ready to answer questions. At the ward the patient will receive an information sheet referring to the procedures at the ward to which he/she was admitted.
Possession of money, valuables and clothing
The patient may use his own money. If he's in possession of funds, these shall be deposit with the hospital's treasury. The patient may withdraw his money according to his needs, upon prearrangements with the social worker. Any valuables arriving with the patient are to be deposited in the ER safe and returned to the patient as per his medical condition, or after his final release from hospital. 

The hospital includes a cafeteria, vending machines with snacks and drinks, and there are public telephones present in every ward. During the first days some of the patients will be required to wear hospital outfits until a doctor can authorize them to wear regular cloths.
Receiving information about the inpatient
Medical confidentiality is strictly kept. Information will only be provided to those whom the patient specifies in writing. If the patient is not in a state that allows him to provide a written consent or refusal, it is customary to inform his mere hospitalization strictly to his immediate family. The hospital reports the admission to the Health Ministry and the HMO to which the patient belongs.
If the attending physician evaluates that the patient might pose a danger to himself or to his environment, and he's in possession of a driver's license, a weapons permit or a pilot license, he must report that to competent entities.
At the ward
Every ward provides the patient with an information sheet about the ward's staff and its activities. In addition information is also provided (usually by a poster posted in a prominent location) regarding the schedule, treatment setting, and different activities unique to that specific ward. Treatment is based on the work of a multidisciplinary team that includes physicians, a nursing team, a social worker, a psychologist, an occupational therapist and other caregivers.

The hospital provides consulting services of an internist, a neurologist, and a dentist.
An inpatient receives the necessary medical services inside or outside the hospital through HMOs and general hospitals in the region.
Following are some general details concerning inpatients at all wards
Safeguarding of valuables and belongings
The staff checks all the items in the possession of the patient and helps him decide which ones should be deposited with the hospital's reception/treasury office. Depending on the type of ward, items considered to be dangerous are to be deposited: such as glassware, sharp objects, belts, lighters and matches, drugs and alike.
Ability to freely walk around the hospital or outside it
Leaving the ward to the hospital area or outside it is subject to an approval of a physician only. It is strictly forbidden to leave the ward and/or hospital area without the approval of a physician.

The hospital must issue a notice to the police in the event that a patient hospitalized by virtue of an admission order leaves the hospital's grounds without the medical permit from the district psychiatric committee.


Smoking inside the hospital wards is forbidden.
Smoking inside the protected wing is allowed at the ward's yard only, with the patient escorted by staff members, and on predetermined hours only.

It is strictly forbidden to order food deliveries for patients in the protected wing.

Leading a religious life
The hospital's kitchen is kosher under the supervision of The Chief Rabbinate and there is a synagogue at the hospital as well. In case of questions or special requests, please contact the kosher supervisor of the hospital.
The medical staff encourages visits by families and friends. In special cases, due to treatment considerations, there might be certain restrictions under a medical order, or even a ban against visits of certain visitors, or a limitation with respect to the frequency/duration of the visits. The protected wing may only host immediate relatives or significant others, subject to a relevant medical permit.

It is strictly forbidden to take pictures within the entire hospital area.

Taking a vacation has therapeutic merits. Leaving for a vacation from hospital requires a medical permit and depends on the medical state of the patient.

The attending staff shall provide the patient and his family with an explanation regarding the therapeutic purpose of the vacation. A person who is hospitalized under a hospitalization order (issued by the court) may only take vacations as per the decision of the Regional District Psychiatric Committee and subject to the decision of the head of ward. 
Social Security
The social worker at the ward could provide the patient with information and instructions regarding his/her eligibility for a disability allowance from Social Security. The allowance of a patient who is hospitalized for over 90 days, and is entitled for 100% disability pension from social security, shall be divided so that 80% of the allowance shall be transferred to the HMO of which the patient belongs. Upon his release the NII shall be informed of his release, so that the patient can receive his full allowance as soon as possible.
Course of treatment
The attending staff regards the patient an active partner in his treatment program. It shall share him in the course of treatment and provide answers to his questions, as per his condition and capabilities. The treatment program is determined by a multidisciplinary staff at the ward in which the patient is hospitalized, and adapted to his medical condition. 

Under the Patient's Rights Law, a patient may apply, at his own expense, for a second opinion by a different physician or therapist who is not a member of the hospital staff. The external consultant will be allowed access, subject to the patient's written consent, to treatment-related materials. The consultant's recommendation constitutes but a mere recommendation, and may not bind the hospital.
Maintaining contact with family members
The patient's family is critical to the success of the patient's treatment and rehabilitation. The family is an integral part of the treatment and therefore the medical staff provides guidance to the family and communicate with it on matters related to the hospitalization and treatment, continuously until the return of the patient to the community. Most wards have public reception days intended for family members.
It is better to schedule the meetings with the doctors and the other staff members in advance.
Receiving medical treatment
Admission and hospital treatment dependent on the consent of the patient, unless this refers to forced admission under a court order or by under a hospitalization order issued by the district psychiatrist.

As long as the patient is hospitalized upon his own consent, any treatment, except for emergency care, shall only be provided upon his consent.
Special treatment, if any, are subject to the patient's separate consent.

If the patient refuses to medical treatment recommended by the attending staff, or refuses to cooperate with the prescribed treatment plan, he may be released from hospital or - if all relevant conditions are met – a request for an order for forced hospitalization and treatment without consent may be issued.

In the event that the patient was admitted to hospital under a court order, or an order issued by the district psychiatrist, he will be treated as per his medical condition even without his consent: special treatments listed in the Mentally Ill Treatment Regulations, 1992, shall only be provided in accordance with these regulations.

Public Inquiries supervisor
The public inquiries supervisor is a person appointed as per the Patient's Rights Law by the director of the medical institute, to enable receiving inquiries from the patients' population and the general public regarding questions that arise regarding the work and conduct of the hospital staff, and about maintaining the patients' rights in the hospital. The public inquiries supervisor represents of the hospital manager, who attends to the public inquiries. The hospital appointed a committee to review public inquiries and the patients' experience. For further information see the tab titled - "Public inquiries" at the hospital's website.
Medical research
The medical center conducts medical trials in accordance with the provisions of the law and the Health Ministry.
No patient may be forced to take part in medical trials. The patient shall be given a detailed explanation regarding the research, the participation in the research and its entailed implications. In case he chooses to consent to take part in the research he must sign a consent form.
Release from hospital
The release from the hospital relies on the rehabilitation program planned during the hospitalization period. The release is planned in advance and done after preparing the patient and his family, and when possible, in cooperation with entities from the community.

A person hospitalized under consent, may request his release at any given time. The head of the ward must release him ASAP and no later than 48 hours from his request, unless the conditions for forced admission are met.
Release process
A patient being released from hospital shall be provided with a release letter referred to his family physician and detailing recommendations for any further treatment, and relevant drug prescriptions.

Psychiatric follow-up after the release
In most cases upon the release the attending physician recommends follow-up treatment in the form of psychiatric follow-up, while the decision regarding the place and framework for such follow-up is made in agreement with the patient. It is a known fact that continued follow-up and correct medication limit the possibility of deterioration in mental status and the need for re-hospitalization. In case it was decided that the medical follow-up is to take place at the hospital's outpatient clinics, the first meetings usually host the person who was the attending physician at the ward.

The attending physician at the time of the release may consider contacting the District Psychiatrist with an appeal to issue an order for forced treatment at the outpatient clinics, depending on the medical state of the patient upon his release.
For counseling and psychological assistance, please contact:

  • The clinic to which the patient was sent upon his release.
  • The family doctor or nurse at the HMO the patient is subscribed to.
  • The social services, usually a social worker of the local authority.
  • In urgent cases direct application to the mental health clinic/emergency room general hospital/emergency room in our institution.
  • In case the mental disorder poses a real danger or nuisance, please seek consultation from the Office of the District Psychiatrist.  

The attending staff at the ward where you were hospitalized will be happy to assist your with any further questions you may have.

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